David R. Loy, (born 1947) is a well known, authorized Zen teacher of the Sanbyokyodan Lineage (Dharma name, Tetsu-un), a Philosophy Professor (Bunkyo University, Chigasaki, Japan and Xaver University, Cincinati, USA), as well as social critic and "Engaged Buddhist".
Below you find an incomplete list of on-line publications and Books by Prof. David Loy.
Enlightenment in Buddhism and Advaita Vedanta: Are Nirvana and Moksha the Same?
International Philosophical Quarterly, vol.22, no.1 (March 1982), pp.65-74.
The Difference between "Samsara" and "Nirvana",
Philosophy East and West, vol.33, no.4 (October 1983), pp.355-365.
How not to Criticize Nagarjuna: a Response to L. Stafford Betty,
Philosophy East and West, vol.34, no.4 (October 1984), pp.437-445.
Wei-wu-wei: Nondual Action,
Philosophy East and West, vol.35, no.1 (January 1985), pp.73-87.
The Paradox of Causality in Madhyamika.
International Philosophical Quarterly, vol.25, no.1 (March 1985), pp.63-72.
The Path of No Path: Sankara and Dogen on the Paradox of Practice,
Philosophy East and West, vol.38, no.2 (April 1988), pp.127-146.
The nonduality of life and death: a Buddhist View of Repression,
Philosophy East and West, Vol. 40, No. 2 (April 1990), pp. 151-174
Buddhism and Money: the repression of emptiness today,
in: Buddhist Ethics and Modern Society, ed. Charles Wei-hsun Fu and Sandra Wawrytko,
New York and London: Greenwood Press (1991), pp.297-312.
Peter Della Santina's: Madhyamaka School in India: A Study of the Madhyamika Philosophy
and of the Division of the System into the Prasangika and Svatantrika School.
Philosophy East and West, vol.42, no.1 (January 1992), pp.187-190.
The Deconstruction of Buddhism, in: Derrida and Negative Theology,
Harold Coward and Toby Foshay ed.,Albany: State University of New York (1992), pp.227-253.
Trying to Become Real: A Buddhist Critique of Some Secular Heresies,
International Philosphical Quarterly, vol.32, no.4 (December 1992), pp.403-425.
What's Wrong with Heidegger's Being and Time: A Buddhist Critique.
Time and Society, vol.1, no.2 (May 1992), pp.239-255.
Avoiding the Void:
The Lack of Self in Psychotherapy and Buddhism,
Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, vol.24, no.2 (1992), pp.151-179.
Das Vermeiden der Leere: Der Mangel eines Selbst in Psychotherapie
und Buddhismus, (2001, engl. 1992).
Indra's postmodern net. (Hua-yen Buddhism and postmodernism),
Philosophy East and West, vol.43, no.3 (July 1993), pp.481-510.
Transcendence East and West,
Man and World, vol. 26, no. 4 (December 1993), pp.403-427.
Preparing for Something that Never Happens:
The Means/Ends Problem in Modern Culture,
International Studies in Philosophy, vol.26, no.4, pp.47-67.
Chuang-tzu and Nagarjuna on the Truth of No Truth.
in Kjellberg and Ivanhoe, eds., Essays on Skepticism, Relativism, and Ethics
in the Zhuangzi, SUNY Press (1996), pp.50-67.
Is Zen Buddhism?
The Eastern Buddhist, vol.28, no.2 (Autumn 1995), pp.273-286.
Dead Words, Living Words, and Healing Words:
Healing Deconstruction: Postmodern Thought in Buddhism and Christianity pp. 33-51 Atlanta Georgia: Scholars Press (1996)
The Dissemination of Dogen and Eckhart,
in David Loy, ed.: Healing Deconstruction:
Postmodern Thought in Buddhism and Christianity,
David Loy, ed., Atlanta, Georgia, Scholar Press (1996), pp.33-51.
Beyond good and evil? a Buddhist critique of Nietzsche,
Asian Philosophy, vol.6 (March 1996), pp.37-57.
The Dharma of Emanuel Swedenborg: A Buddhist Perspective,
Arcana (a journal of the Swedenborg Association), vol.2, no.1 (autumn 1995), pp.5-31;
On the Duality of Nature and Culture,
Philosophica, vol.55, 1995, pp.9-35.
Can Buddhism Save the World? A Response to Nelson Foster.
The Journal of the Buddhist Peace Fellowship (1998).
The Religion of the Market,
Journal of the American Academy of Religion, vol.65, no.2 (summer 1997), pp.275-290;
Die Religion des Marktes, (1997).
Can Corporations Become Enlightened?
Buddhist reflections on transnational corporations.
in Globalisation: The Perspectives and Experiences of the Religious Traditions
of Asia Pacific, ed. by Joseph Camilleri and Chandra Muzaffar
(Petaling Jaya, Malaysia: International Movement for a Just World, 1998), pp.63-73.
The Spiritual Roots of Modernity:
Buddhist Reflections on the Idolatry of the Nation-State, Corporate Capitalism
and Mechanistic Science.
in Sulak Sivaraksa, ed., Socially Engaged Buddhism for the New Millennium,
Bangkok: Sathirakoses-Nagapradipa Foundation (1999), pp.86-113.
Buddhism and Poverty,
in the Kyoto Journal (summer 1999), pp.43-56.
Remaking Ourselves?
in the Wild Duck Review, vol.5, no.2 (summer 1999).
The Spiritual Origins of the West: a 'Lack' Perspective.
in the International Philosophical Quarterly, vol.40, no.2 (June 2000), pp.215-233.
Saving Time: A Buddhist Perspective on the End,
in Contemporary Buddhism, vol.1, no.1 (May 2000), pp.35-51.
Remaking the World or Remaking Ourselves? Buddhist Reflections on Technology,
in Peter Hershock, Marietta Stepaniants, and Roger Ames, ed.,
Technology and Cultural Values: on the edge of the third millennium,
Honolulu: University of Hawaii (2003), pp.176-187.
How to Reform a Serial Killer: The Buddhist Approach to Restorative Justice,
Journal of Buddhist Ethics vol.7, 2000, p.145-168.
The Spiritual Roots of Civil Society: a Buddhist Perspevtive,
in Cultural Dynamics, vol.13, no.2 (June 2001), pp.169-210.
Shall We Pave the Earth, or Learn to Wear Shoes:
A Buddhist Perspective on Greed and Globalization.
in Chandra Muzaffar and Paul F. Knitter, ed.,
The Nonduality of Good and Evil,
in Tricycle: The Buddhist Review (spring 2002), pp.16-17.
A New Holy War against Evil? The Response of an American Buddhist,
in The Eastern Buddhist, vol.33, no.2 (2001), pp.122-128.
Ein neuer "Heiliger Krieg gegen das Böse"?, (2001).
The Nonduality of Good and Evil: Buddhist Reflections on the New Holy War.
in Kyoto Journal, no.51 (summer 2002).
The Lack of Technological Progress.
in ReVision, vol.24, no.4 (spring 2002), pp.27-33.
The West Against the Rest: A Buddhist Perspective on Huntington,
forthcoming in David Hawkin and Michael Hadley, ed.,
Confronting Technology, Globalization, and War: Challenging the Gods
of the Twenty-first Century,
SUNY Press (2004).
The Dharma of the Rings: A Myth for Engaged Buddhism?
with Linda Goodhew:
in Kyoto Journal, vol.56 (February 2004).
Terror in the God-Shaped Hole: A Buddhist Perspective on Modernity's Identity Crisis,
in the Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, Vol.36, no.2 (2004), pp.179-201.
Terrorism as Religion
in The Japan Mission Journal, vol.59, no.1 (March 2005), pp.24-36.
Globalizing Education, or Educating Globalization?
in Malcolm H. Field and James Fegan, ed.,
Education Across Borders: Philosophy, Policy, Pedagogy,
Tokyo, Waseda University Media-Mix Press, pp.29-41.
Trans-cultural Dialogues, submitted to Routledge.
The Suffering System,
in Shambhala Sun, January 2006, pp.15-16.
What Would the Buddha Do?,
in Turning Wheel: Journal of the Buddhist Peace Fellowship, Fall/Winter 2006, pp.43-45.
The Three Poisons, Institutionalized,
forthcoming in Dharma World, Tokyo, January-March 2007.
forthcoming in Ethics and Information Technology, vol.8, no.4, 2006,
a special issue on Information and the Quality of Life.
Der Einfluss der Globalisierung auf Gesellschaft und Religion.
Konzernmacht - eine buddhistische Kritik, (1997).
A Buddhist Critique of Transnational Corporations,
presented to a conference on Globalisation:
the Responses of Religions in the Seatheast Asia Region,
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, July 4-6, 1997.
Buddhist Reflections on the New Gulf War,
The Eurasian Conflict Region Forum, Tokyo, Japan (March 2003).
Eine buddhistische Sicht des Irak-Kriegs, (2003).
The Religion of Consumption: A Buddhist Perspective
Jonathan Watts and David Loy, for the Think Sangha Thematic Section: Consumption and Sustainable Development
Development. v. 41 n. 1 (1998.03) pp. 61-66
The Heart of Buddhist Social Ethics,
presented at the David Lam Centre Pacific Region Forum at Simon Fraser University,
Vancouver, BC, Canada (March 30, 2005).
David Loy: Zen Philosopher and Social Critic.
Spirits in a Material World: David
Loy on Re-evaluating Religion,
by Pravit Rojanaphruk.
Lack and Liberation in Self and Society,
An Interview with David Loy, Holos, Vol.1, No.1 (2005).